Corporate Information
At Cantabria Labs we are convinced that a job well done is the first step towards success, and commitment to our values is the best form of transparency. To ensure that we are guided by these principles and that we comply with regulations, we have put in place the Compliance area that guides us to do the right thing in our professional relationships.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct embodies the values and principles that we want to inspire in our behaviour in the performance of our functions.
Our goal is the commitment to sustainable business development, absolutely respectful of society, the environment, people’s rights and current legislation.
We believe that success stems from striking the balance between making money and doing the right thing, between science and ethics, and a balance between personal initiative and collective know-how. It’s simple: if we do the right thing and do it together, we’ll do it right.
Compliance Channel
The Compliance Channel* is the means through which any query, suggestion or, if applicable, complaint is dealt with, CONFIDENTIALLY. The information is passed to the Compliance Body of Cantabria Labs, which shall be responsible for resolving it in the shortest possible time.
If you are an employee of Cantabria Labs access the Compliance Channel through this link.
Latest from Communication Area

In partnership with Real Madrid C.F., Cantabria Labs presents its new “Train Your Skin” campaign

Cantabria Labs with Rafa Nadal, Sara Andrés and Real Madrid, together against melanoma