
Cantabria Labs Starts Making Hand Sanitiser for Health Personnel
Given the shortage of hand sanitiser gel due to the current health crisis, the pharmaceutical firm last week made itself...

Cantabria Labs looks to 2020 with enthusiasm and optimism
The pharmaceutical company closes 2019 with 22% growth The Spanish company posted a turnover of 193 million euros last year...

Cantabria Labs acquires ACM and enters the French market
During an information session held in Madrid, new CEO and Managing Director of Cantabria Labs, Susana Rodríguez, announced that the...

Susana Rodríguez, new CEO of Cantabria Labs
Susana Rodríguez Navarro has been appointed as CEO and Managing Director of the Spanish pharmaceutical company Cantabria Labs. The CEO...

Cantabria Labs, the natural evolution of IFC
As of today, Cantabria Labs is the new corporate brand name which will represent IFC, Industrial Farmaceutica Cantabria. It symbolises...

The planting of two trees marks the start of construction of the new Industrial Farmacéutica Cantabria centre
Industrial Farmacéutica Cantabria (IFC) starts construction in La Concha, in the municipal area of Villaescusa (Cantabria), of its new centre...

Industrial Farmacéutica Cantabria opens a new subsidiary in China
Within the framework of its sustained, entrepreneurial, internationalisation process, Industrial Farmacéutica Cantabria (IFC) is set to arrive in China after...

IFC achieves a turnover of 126 million euros in 2016
Sales of IFC Group in 2016 topped 126 million euros, with over 20% growth on the previous year, highlighting the...

IFC opens a new subsidiary in Mexico to boost its international expansion
IFC – Industrial Farmacéutica Cantabria – takes on a new challenge with the opening of a subsidiary in Mexico as...